Not being a Dominion expert I asked a friend who *is* to help out with today’s strip…and I’m assured that the move Whiskey is describing is a very jerky one indeed.
Not being a Dominion expert I asked a friend who *is* to help out with today’s strip…and I’m assured that the move Whiskey is describing is a very jerky one indeed.
So are they dead or not, since they lost their first game? I’m assuming Mouse will give them a real chance now that they know how to play…
“The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often askew…”
~To a Mouse, Robert Burns
Technically, it’s:
“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agley”
But something tells me Mouse’s scheme will definitely be going agley very soon, probably via Whiskey’s boot……
I suspect whiskey will be wearing a straitjacket before this game is over.
He would already be wearing one if only they could find one that doesn’t let him slip out of it!
Wait, what? That is totally a legit move! Been used against me before
I can`t begin to say I understand the game. But I can tell you if someone trounces you with your own move, your going to think they are the jerk. IMHO.
I won my first game. . .
Ah Dominion, one of my favorite games I’ll never forget the time everyone’s score was in the negatives.