Seeing that Frobot’s dressed in sailor garb, I can’t help but think that things are about to get all “Gilligan’s Island’ on us. And there will, of course, be a flatulent monkey on the island. (Banana and beans, people… beware!)
That, or they’ll go on the Lost tour. Doyle could also choose to stretch things a bit and have them land in the/an Advent universe, but that’s still 5 months from now…
If Donut linked it to Google Earth, he’s probably going to pick an area that looks flat on the map but in reality has since been built on. I wonder how the Brick House is going to materialize around or in a house that exists where one isn’t shown on Google Earth? 😀
well, they’re doomed
What else in new?
Seeing that Frobot’s dressed in sailor garb, I can’t help but think that things are about to get all “Gilligan’s Island’ on us. And there will, of course, be a flatulent monkey on the island. (Banana and beans, people… beware!)
That, or they’ll go on the Lost tour. Doyle could also choose to stretch things a bit and have them land in the/an Advent universe, but that’s still 5 months from now…
If Donut linked it to Google Earth, he’s probably going to pick an area that looks flat on the map but in reality has since been built on. I wonder how the Brick House is going to materialize around or in a house that exists where one isn’t shown on Google Earth? 😀
Chance to use more red bricks for a volcano set?
how have they not yet noticed the banana?
Because they’re weirdos.
They just didn’t look up from the right angle, that’s all.
The chilli is quite high above them. They’d have to climb up to see it.