#1117 – Back to Stocktown Jan28 by Christopher Doyle on January 28, 2011 at 12:00 am Chapter: 6.03 - Donut's Quest Now it all makes sense. Grinchley’s been trying to kill Donut all along.
I can’t tell if Nougat’s plan is to just kill Donut or force him to regenerate now.
But I am getting the feeling that being turned into a kid several years over may have made him go mad and decide he wants to kill Donut.
Donut…Nougat… What’s next? Caramel?
Maple? Bavarian? Lemon? Pina Cola(Again)? Cherry? Apple?
Flambe? Creampuff? Ess Capay?
You know, normally when someone tries to kill you it’s a bad thing.
Colada was a THYME LORD! i tall makes sense now.
he’s really the mastermind behind everything!
Or maybe we’ll get a Garlic Lord or something…. er… epic pun fail… Is this a hard dozen, as in, he’ll get stabbed in strip 1129, or, as in the S-Team, “she’ll give birth on the 1000” when she ended up giving birth about the 1050th comic?
i wonder how donuts gonna die
“He will chew four times”
I really hope they fight Darth Fondant. That would be excellent.
Donut can’t die! I always liked Donut more than Whiskey and Luka
Then when Donut’s better, he kills Grinchley! That’s what I would do at least.
@Nikolai- Therby getting Grinchley out of his cycle, which he hates! Favors all around!
Sooo… are they going to go to a pyramid that’s appeared in Stocktown?? PLEEEASE???