I kind of like how the Cryopod incorporates the Friends color palette. My first version was a lot more somber.
9.12 - Back to Heartlake
27 comics.
Comic! Sorry for the unexpected mini-hiatus. Things in the real world have been very trying lately, and the comic just had to take a back burner for a while. Apparently Nubbin has been busy, though. Good for her.
Remember when finding an author-avatar face down in a cryo-tube full of magical dog pee would have seemed unusual to you? Me neither.
As I understand it, this strip will work better for my American audience. Mouse means “upset”, not “drunk.” Regionalism makes my head hurt sometimes. It’ll always be “Soda” to shorthand soft drinks for me. Not “pop” or “coke”. How about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…