I was pleasantly surprised at how wistful El Stud looks in panel four. For a fixed expression minifigure, he has a wider range of “on screen emotion” than I would have wagered.
6.01 - House of Brick
46 comics.
Luka’s guilty of over-simplifying her definition of Niflheim. And Whiskey was talking about the Rura Penthe in Siberia from “War and Peace”. But that’s okay. El Stud’s original dialog had him threatening to cut “Doyle open and wear him like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whiskey is still bitter about not getting his fire and ice powers. …and Donut is just bitter in general.
Happy Thanksgiving to my readers in the USA! My first draft was just to have a “family portrait” shot for today’s strip – quick and easy. But you know the cast; they can’t leave things well enough alone…
Luka’s bedroom is on the second floor of the Brickhouse set. I think this is the first time I’ve actually shown the place in-strip.