The final countdown has begun. Can we make it all the way to Christmas Eve without losing our sanity?
Day Twenty: Toy Bulldozer
Oh, thank goodness. Another sane mini-set.
Today’s toy bulldozer is a nice micro-scale build. It fits in well with the crane from day four to create a little “Construction Microplayset”.
The extra pieces are back to LEGO-standard. They usually throw in an extra technic pin and 1×1 plate when a kit calls for them.
Have reason and logic returned to the CITY advent? I sure hope so…
yep i hope so….
I hope not. I liked the insane showering santa!
What would a new insane set be? Santa’s reindeer abattoir? Santa’s zombie turkey voodoo ceremony? Santa’s Las Vegas lounge lizard one-night-stand?
I can think of a couple ideas but frankly its high octane nightmare fuel behond brain bleach. Though one invlolves bleach.