It’s standing room only in the Kingdom. Or is it?
Day Eight: Throne
Today we have a royal throne, fit for yesterday’s Queen.
Sure, it’s only seven pieces (nine if you count the extra bits). Sure the construction is simple. But it’s comfortable and works well with the Queen minifigure…
…no it doesn’t.
Way to go, LEGO.
That seems like a design flaw in the Queen’s dress more than throne. The throne seems a little low too. Is it made for a hobbit?
… Wow. LEGO FAILED. I’m seriously thinking of getting these advent calendars on clearance now.
Good luck finding them on clearance. Only one shop in my town still has any – and it’s only City. And they rarely do sales, since the LEGO pricepoint is so tricky when you have to compete with national chains.
I so saw that second picture coming 😀
How’s the Queen supposed to sit anyway?
two of these , make the queen(or small children) sit
Those extra parts… my mother threw away the bag without noticing them still inside. I dug them out of the trash. I am *that* devoted.
Yes, I was very happy about the gold. to get past the seat dilemma I used 2 of these:
and a 2×1 plate to get her sitting.
She looks pretty mad that Lego made a pretty crappy throne for her to sit in especially since she can’t even sit down.