Day four’s gift was a change of pace…will Day 5 be equally surprising? Click and see!
Day Five: Drum Set
Honestly, I expected to see a mini-figure hiding behind today’s door. With all these gifts and no one to share with, that kid from day two is having a VERY merry Christmas season at this point.
There’s not much to complain about in today’s set; a drum kit is a new addition to the Advent Universe, and there are some nice parts in there for later use. The only minor gripe I have is that the chair seems like a lame addition to the kit – a seated mini can’t really reach the drums. (But you could use the extra grey dish as a riser to help even out the height, though.)
I’m actually feeling a bit optimistic about tomorrow’s set. Scary.
Oh, I didn’t know what the eff that was supposed to be.