Church of the Flying Spaghetti
The walkway leads up to the front facade's grand staircase up to the main entrance of the church. We'll be entering here, but not just yet. Still lots of stuff to see outside! Note the noodly architecture - you really get the feeling that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is looking down at you, inviting you inside. Late night services are lit up by the numerous hanging lights. Following the walkway west, we come to a very special place - the Shrine of the Lost Meatball. Perhaps you remember the hymn that was inspired by this Miracle - On top of spaghetti, It rolled off the table, It rolled in the garden, The mush was as tasty The tree was all covered, So if you eat spaghetti, If you wish, you can stop and rest on the park bench facing the tree - or maybe snack on one of the many meatballs that have ripened and fallen from the tree. The small decorative plaque has the lyrics to the hymn, should you be moved to song. If you'd rather walk on, though, we can explore the docks. Just be sure to notice the wall carvings as we pass them! Continue the Tour!