The Winner!
Entry #1
By: Polywen
Its design is inspired from the ubiquitous farm tractor, the Red TRCTR is the preferred Bovine Piloted Cave Racer. Probably because it's familiar form factor make any cow feel at home on the range. It may not be the sexiest racer, but it can plow an acre in no time flat. Bovine Pilot is yoked to racer by a harness. An improvement from its previous iteration.
Notes from the Judges:
Tim: The very first entry and always the one that stuck in my mind. It somehow captures the feel of my original
caveracers while being... a tractor. The harnessing is excellent and
it's just brilliant.
Chris: If we had closed Class One after this submission we could have saved the Judges a whole lot of time. |
Honorable Mentions |

the Baa Baa Sleepy-time Express
Entry #103
By Jedimasterwagner

W.P.F. Win Pigs FlyEntry #95

K9 Racer
Entry #16
by Polywen

Peel Out
Entry #65
By George Fox

jws-1 Trawler
Entry #52
By thwaak

Green Machine
Entry #40
By Squishy Globe

Unclear on the Concept
Entry #80
By BecTodd

Cave Cola Racer: Can of Whoop Ass
Entry #23
By George Fox

Entry #83
By Greg Ramel

Jaws Breaker
Entry #26
By BecTodd
The Winner!
Entry #3
By: Ean H.
Crocodile Rock
Additional photos
Notes from the judges:
Tim: Great style and duplo integration. Tops effort
Chris: Enough Duplo to satisfy, yet manages to avoid looking "chunky." Well done! |
Honorable Mentions |

Entry #4
By BecTodd |

The Iron Orca
Entry #5
By Chrispockster
Hunny B 1000
Entry #2
By Polywen

Cave Racer Crazy
Entry #1
By graznador |
The Winner!
Entry #24
By: Chrispockster
Arctic Cave Race
Glacial caves are some of the most interesting places on earth. Here
spectacular ice formations lie undisturbed. However icicles are not the
only things deep beneath the surface. The arctic mammals have developed
their own racing circuit fit to the icy caves. This is definitely not
what the arctic explorers expected to find under the surface.
More photos
Notes from the judges:
Tim: Just wonderfully done all around and great sense of action
Chris: I love the detailing on the ice wall, and the use of the Dulpo whale is just top notch. |
Honorable Mentions |

Jungle Cave Race
Entry #9
by SlyOwl
Moo-ving Too Fast
Entry #21
By BecTodd

A Day At The Races
Entry #23
By Samus |

Scorpion VS. Starfish
Entry #22
By Yokomode01

Frogs Cheat
Entry #8
By polywen |
Brickforge Pick
Entry #100
By: graviton
Holstein's Hope
Cow intelligence falls within a very narrow band -- they are smart
enough to know they shouldn't walk across a cattle guard, but are not
smart enough to know that lines painted on the road aren't a cattle
guard. This is the perfect amount of intelligence to be a cave racer
pilot, if you patch directly into the brain.
The HOLSTEIN'S HOPE racer is a contender on the MACDONALD CUP
Circuit. With its advanced forward swept wing design it is extremely
manueverable; curb feelers installed on the wing tips provide the
needed sensing to squeeze through the tightest cave turns at high speed.
Link to Brickshelf:
This prize was awarded to the model that Brickforge liked the most.
The winner received a Super-Rare Dark Tan Cow and $20 gift card to Brickforge!
Reasonably Clever Monkey Award
Entry #80
By: BecTodd
Unclear on the Concept
This Dragon loves to Cave-Race, but he finds that hoverengines are just too slow. He still carries one, per the rules, but frankly he'd rather not.
More photos on Brickshelf.
Chris' Commentary:
There were a lot of submissions that I thought were "Unclear On the Concept" - but this is the only one (I hope) that was intentionally dense. I love that sort of meta humor, so I had to throw the Monkey to BecTodd. |
Chris' personal favorite of the contest took home a LEGO set 4916: Mini-Animals
Tim's Pick
Entry #1
By: Polywen
Its design is inspired from the ubiquitous farm tractor, the Red TRCTR is the preferred Bovine Piloted Cave Racer. Probably because it's familiar form factor make any cow feel at home on the range. It may not be the sexiest racer, but it can plow an acre in no time flat. Bovine Pilot is yoked to racer by a harness. An improvement from its previous iteration.
Tim's Commentary:
The very first entry and always the one that stuck in my mind. It somehow captures the feel of my original
caveracers while being... a tractor. The harnessing is excellent and
it's just brilliant. |
Tim felt this model featured the best animal integration and Polywen received a custom Mystery Racer designed by Tim!

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All Content ©1986-2009-through the End of Time by Christopher Doyle |
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