Days of Yore Entries 1-10 | 11-19
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#1 - Motorized Wheelchair
Builder: Beatnik
For a gentleman (or lady) requiring the use of a wheelchair, this latest model affords him the utmost in mobility. By harnessing the ultimate power source – steam – this wheelchair provides all the self-sufficiency such a gentleman should need. All that is required of a hired helper is the initial input of coal or wood, and then the gentleman is free to go as he chooses. Recent technological breakthroughs have allowed this wheelchair to be equipped with the smallest steam engine ever built, and has reduced the overall weight to merely a few tons.
The low ground clearance of this wheelchair may make transversing some cobblestone streets or muddy lanes difficult, but it is unlikely that a person using this fine wheelchair should want to travel such a dis-pleasurable roadway.
Country of origin: USA
Tranquility Says:
"Might smoke out the house – if it fits!"
#2 - Wizard, Wheels and Wolves
Builder: colonel
The stories, legends and myths about Merlin the Wizard have been told for almost one thousand years - and the last story has yet to be told...
This is the story about Merlin and his chair with wheels and his two wolves - and it might be the last one!
Merlin is very old now. His sight is weakened, he is almost totally deaf, he suffers from brittle-bone disease, and can hardly walk.
But Merlin is still Merlin the Wizard so he got this bright idea to produce a chair with wheels by magic, drawn by his two loyal wolves: Vortigem and Hengist.
So far so good - until today!
Merlin is on his daily chair ride but the carrot is stale and the magic wand is no good anymore. The wolves are taking control and run along the road faster and faster - and suddenly a wheel hits a stump, Vortigem leaps up in the air, and...
Yes, the situation is critical. What will happen next? Wille they all stay safely in the road or will they share the fate of the skeleton at the lakeside?
That's the question.
Country of origin: Denmark
More pictures:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/spacecolon ... 641752826/
Tranquility Says:
"Not really a wheelchair, more of a chariot. Nice story."
#3 - Dr. Steams's steam-Chair
Builder: Legowink
Dr. Steams has always been a little, paranoid*. After serving in WWI, he was shot in both legs. However he came up with a solution!
Note the hidden shotgun, "emergency use only".
Country of origin, USA
a picture of this and the back at:
http://tinypic.com/usermedia.php?uo=fVo ... h4l5k2TGxc
Tranquility Says:
"Nice compact steam chair. Still might smoke out the house"
#4 - The Iron Monster
builder: captainsmog
That MOC is mainly based on the description of Windle Poons wheelchair, a character
from the Terry pratchett's Discworld novels.
More pictures and details: http://i85.servimg.com/u/f85/11/95/74/54/descri10.jpg
and EDIT here is a little diorama to see the chair in action: http://i85.servimg.com/u/f85/11/95/74/54/vindel16.jpg
I'm from Switzerland and hope you'll like that MOC.
Tranquility Says:
"Bwaa haa ha! Also, I love Pratchett and the chair is perfect for Windle Poons. Doesn't appear that it will fit through doorways though."
#5 - Rolling Down the Past
Builder: Rook
“Ah the Vikings are coming!”
So I just thought I’d do a line of Viking themed wheelchairs in honor of my ancestry.
This late 12th century chair is pimped out with a custom paint job on its rims and some adjustable battle axes. What else does an old Viking king need?
Tranquility Says:
"How to invade and pillage a village in style."
#6 - The disabled Gentlemans Wheeled Tranportation Device!
Builder: yodamann
It is newest Innovation in wheelchair technology since the invention of the Wheel!
I present:
The disabled Gentlemans Wheeled Tranportation Device!
Were you once a sailor who was injured in battle and feared that you could never sail again?
The disabled Gentlemans Wheeled Tranportation Device is a boat for the Land!
and also a boat for the sea incedently!
so come one come all! come Buy the disabled Gentlemans Wheeled Tranportation Device!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/41047672@N ... 721306910/
I am from Canada
Tranquility Says:
"Um... not the most practical of wheelchairs. Funny though."
#7 - Capt. Goldhook Rickshaw
Builder: LuxorV
This animal-propelled wheelchair was built for Capt. Goldhook when he retired from his naval career after the accident during the Great Pirate Wars (rougly around the passage between 17th and 18th centuries). The Captain had it made with the finest woods and special fashion finishies with gold and maroon inlays to catch the eye and stand off in the nìmidst of every assembly. Yes, he is a loud man, and he claims he wants to enjoy the legacy one of his relatives, a certain Capt. Leadhook, left him just after his retirement. The rickshaw design was chosen by the Captain himself since he saw one of those vehicles in Singapore once. The dog pulling it is called Commodore, and is the Captain's best friend and the only being he belives to be totally loyal to him.
More photos can be found here.
Country of origin: Italy
Tranquility Says:
"Again, more of an outdoors vehicle."
#8 - 12,000 B.C. Luxury Rolling Stone
Builder: legorevolution
Handicapped cavemen and cavewomen, we present to you, the 12,000 B.C. Luxury Rolling Stone. 'So ugly a caveman can love it'
Pros: completely state-of-the-art, will revolutionize transportation of the future, prolongs handicapped cavemen life expectancy rate, rope compatible with oxen and rival tribe slaves, completely hand crafted within region
Cons: oversized- not for use inside caves, generally only works on downward sloped surfaces, too much speed can extinguish portable fire, lack of safety features such as a braking system can cause death, subject to abuse and/or overuse by healthy lazy tribal chiefs
For a picture of our subject in the seat/better pictures in general please click the following link:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/31258471@N ... 640365601/
*Note: wheelchair model may in fact not actually be handicapped.
Country of origin: USA
Tranquility Says:
"Awesome, but terrifying! Also, won't the large wheel obscure the light from the portable fire?"
Builder: Lego125
http://www.flickr.com/photos/lego125/40 ... 604222@N00
Days of Yore.
Cobbles giving you trouble? Congestion from horses bogging you down?
Then Professor Stirling Kettlepot has the solution!THE STEAM CHAIR! It rides on a cushion of steam, perfect for people with large houses and an even larger supply of coal!
From the UK.
Tranquility Says:
"Awfully close to a Steampunk mech!"
#10 - Steampunk Wheelchair
Builder: Wrathkid
Stuck in a dark alley? Set your torch in the torch holder and be able to guide your weelchair with both hands rather than dedicating one hand to holding the torch.
Is it a really sunny day? Relax under the new and improved wheelchair sun shade.
Lost? This new wheelchair comes with many maps of the new world.
Lastly don't forget about the new steam feature, it powers the wheels so you don't have to do it yourself!
With so many wonderful features, this new wheelchair is definantly worth it!
Check out more photos of our amazing new model http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=409176
This model is only avalible in NORTH AMERICA. (Where we're located)
Tranquility Says:
"One of the smaller steam chairs – the map system is cool."
On to Entries 11-19...
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