And now, a message from TwinLUG:
The contest is over, but the FUN doesn't have to stop!
The first-ever massive Micropolis collaborative layout will be held at Brickworld this year.
Your task: To construct one or more Micropolis modules to add to the huge city layout.
The micropolis standard can be found here: http://twinlug.com/micropolis-micro-city-standard/
and a number of sample MOCs built according to the standard can be found at the recent Micropolis 'Bad Day' building contest at Reasonably Clever (just srcoll down for more on that.):
We are hoping to have a HUGE layout, and already have a large number of modules confirmed.
Get building, and have fun! |
Contest Ran from 4-2-09 through 5-3-09
A meteor strikes a Micropolis Module in
"Rock Smash" - a Bad Day creation by Garth Danielson.
What sort of "Bad Day" will YOU create?
It's a quiet day in MICROPOLIS....or rather, it was. Now something has happened. Something.....bad.
What happened?
Well, that's up to you.
Your Mission:
Build a cool LEGO creation using the TwinLUG Micropoplis standard. There are four exciting categories to enter - and you can submit a model for each of them! You can build a standard city module of various sizes...or show your evil side and subject the tiny citizens to a truly BAD DAY by adding in disaster themes and elements to your creation.
It's all up to you!
The Rules:
Models MUST conform to the Micropoplis Standard or they will be disqualified.
- Virtual models are not allowed for this contest.
- Models posted on-line prior to 4/2/09 are not eligible for this contest.
- International entries are welcome
- There are four building categories:
- Basic Module (1/4 Block)
- Double Module (1/2 Block)
- DoublePlusGood Module (Anything larger than 1/2 Block)
- Bad Day (minimum of 1/4 block, as large as needed featuring some sort of disaster)
- Builders can enter each of the four categories, but are limited to one model-per-category. Each module must be original work. (For example, a model submitted for the 1/4 block category could not be included in a 1/2 block model as well.)
- Although builders can enter all four categories, they can win only ONE major prize package. In the case of a single builder taking the top slot in more than one category, that builder will select the prize that he or she desires and the remaining prizes will be awarded to the 2nd place finishers.
- Okay, I get that. But what about technic brick placement?
- From the Micropolis Standard FAQ:
- Q. Why are the Technic bricks in different places in pictures of early layouts?
A. An early “beta” version of the spec had two Technic bricks on each side at studs 3-4 and 13-14. As we worked on the layout we noticed that the extra pin holes were unnecessary and in some cases were actually making it harder to assemble the layout so for our first published spec we changed to one Technic brick per side and are working on converting our existing modules
- We encourage people to use the newer version of the standard, especially if they are planning on bringing their modules to Brickworld.
- Fine. But what about themes? Can I build a medieval module? What about a Space one?
- Provided the module CONFORMS TO THE MICROPOLIS STANDARD any theme is okay, although I suspect that modules with SOME connection to City/Town ideas will perform better in the judging.
To Enter:
Send an email to Bat_Hero@hotmail.com with the following information.
Your Name/Alias as you'd like it to appear on the entry grid
The CATEGORY to enter your model in (1- 4)
A name/title for your entry
A single photo (no larger than 400x400 pixels) of your model. Remember: If the judges can't make out your model, you won't score very high, so take a GOOD picture.
Optional: A text description of your model
Optional: A link to more photos of your model
Entries that do not follow the above guidelines may be disqualified, depending on how cranky Chris is feeling that day.
Entries must be received by 2:22 AM Eastern Standard Time on 5-4-09
Judgment and Scoring:
- Each model will be evaluated by three judges
- Chris Doyle, host of ReasonablyClever.com
- Max Braun, TwinLUG member
- Roy Cook, LEGO Ambassador, TwinLUG member
- Each judge will pick and rank his top five favorite models in each category.
- Rankings will then be tallied and overall winners decided.
- In addition, special guest judge Mariann Asanuma from ModelBuildingSecrets.com will pick her favorite creation.

TwinLUG would like to invite everyone to join
us at BrickWorld in June to assemble your Micropolis modules into a huge
Micropolis layout!
We are looking forward to seeing the creativity
that is shown for the contest and hope to see even more by the time
the big party in Chicago is in full swing. |
Sample Half-Block entry by Matt Holland.
Check out other great sample Micropolis modules by Matt:
Drive In - Factory - Town Square

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