Title |
Builder |
Use of pieces in set 7695
(20 points) |
of "Remission"
(30 points) |
General Coolness
and that
Funky-Fresh feeling
(50 points) |
Total & Ranking |
Space Race |
Dene Quest |
20 |
14 |
22 |
56 Points
13th Place |
Judge Notes: "???", "Make love, not war", "Star Wars Episode 2"
Notes from Builder:
So what do the humans and aliens do after a night partying at the space disco? They get serious, well ... sort of, and start a new tradition: The First Annual Space Race. The objective is to race out to the asteroid belt, next complete an asteroid clearing segment (small asteroids), then complete an asteroid evasion segment (large asteroids), and finally race back for another night of partying at the space disco!
Below are some close up pics of my all new astro fighter.

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All Content ©1986-2009-through the End of Time by Christopher Doyle |
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