Toybox of FAIL: Thunder Charger


Thunder Charger
Jing Zhiwei toys continues their run of LEGO knock-offs with a small helicopter model. A very familiar helicopter.
In fact, everything about this bootleg should be familiar to long-time FAIL readers. Why? Because other than a company name-change from BRICK, this set is identical to the one I reviewed back in March of 2009.
Take a look at the packaging:

Well, check out the top the new box...

"But what about the toy?" I hear you ask. "Surely it's a bit different!"
First the BRICK version:

and the latest:

Oh. Wait. They are different. And the Jing Zhiwei version is even crappier looking.
I would have passed up this review all together, but my photographer would have been mightily irked to have suffered through building and documenting this piece of crap for nothing. So now her suffering becomes yours.
You're welcome.
As always, many thanks to Joe from The Undiscovered Playthings for sending me this set to review.
Photos of the Jing Zhiwei Thunder Charger are © 2009 Alyska Bailey Peterson /
PointyKitty Studios
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