CITY Advent 2009: Day 24

Chimney, Stockings and SANTA!
They did it. LEGO actually pulled off a CITY advent calendar that didn't suck. I'm stunned.
And happy.
Oh, sure, there was that weirdness with the cop sub-theme early on. And the Janitor was kind of iffy. But overall the full calendar worked together to create a nice little pile of holiday mini-sets.
What really sold me on the win this year was LEGO's decision to have Santa hiding behind the final door. We haven't seen Santa in a CITY advent since 2006 - and today's set is a nice upgrade to that year's offering.
Looking ahead, I haven't heard what LEGO has in mind for their 2010 Advent calendar(s). Will we see yet another CITY themed countdown?
Right now, I'm thinking that might not be so bad.
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Labels: Advent Madness, CITY2009, LEGO
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