Labels: Comics, Episode
posted by Christopher Doyle at 2/22/2010
Life, death...Same thing to me.
Hairball.....Ian? 0.oNot that I'm pointing fingers or anything. *ahem*
life,death. they have a lot in comon you know. which is better is very debatable.
I'm beginning to wonder if you shouldn't just face the facts and rename the comic "The Fourth (Brick) Wall". :)
Maybe by 'life', it means it's going to take their life and use it for something else. Absorb it, if you will. Doyle's weird jokes usually have some meaning, and that seems to fit.
I'm still looking for the backwards N...
@Andy: The backwards N appears in the previous strip (and the next).
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Life, death...
Same thing to me.
Hairball.....Ian? 0.o
Not that I'm pointing fingers or anything. *ahem*
life,death. they have a lot in comon you know. which is better is very debatable.
I'm beginning to wonder if you shouldn't just face the facts and rename the comic "The Fourth (Brick) Wall". :)
Maybe by 'life', it means it's going to take their life and use it for something else. Absorb it, if you will. Doyle's weird jokes usually have some meaning, and that seems to fit.
I'm still looking for the backwards N...
@Andy: The backwards N appears in the previous strip (and the next).
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