Episode 854

Another new set today - it's a bit slapdash as I was distracted by other projects. Luckily I still had the "plain grey wall" left over from the Advent sets. It works just fine for this new room. I was playing with the lighting, too - the from-the-side shadows gives a slightly more dramatic feel to things, I think.
Finally, I don't normally like making my puns this explicit. I didn't think that "metadoor" would come across right without a little extra help, though.
I think it could use a little light or two on top of it, to signal the conditions on the other side of that door before that door is opened.
Or maybe just to make it look a whole lot cooler! ;)
Pity. It would have been cool to have them briefly be embiggened, or perhaps real world characters.
Worst. Pun. EVER.
And it's still funny. Doyle, you never cease to amaze me.
As Ian would say:
Seven years in the pun closet of shame!
Yay...Ian's back! He is gonna kill donut, or Whiskey will.
I'm not sure the red and yellow fits in with all the grey.
We know Donut survives to save himself later on, he will die in Foxhunt or later.
I chose that color/design specifically because it looks wrong. It's supposed to be a strange portal to elsewhere...not a seamless integration with the rest of the house.
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