Episode 731

Yes, another WoZ quote. I'll be done with that little kick tomorrow.
I also wanted to add that drawing the "whisper bubbles" in today's strip was a total pain. Photoshop doesn't have an easy way to add a dotted-line border to things. On the other hand, there are some great quick-n-easy tutorials out there on the net for the workaround. (Basically you have to create a custom brush to do the dirty work.)
Chris, I've found that just using a noticeably smaller font size in a regular-size speech bubble (ie: more white space) successfully conveys the same effect as whisper/quiet speaking.
Yeah, that's a good technique. I completely spaced on it when I got obsessed about the dotted-line thing.
I may go back and tweak the strip now...
gotta love that lolipop guild
I just love how Mary Sue's facial expression works in the last panel. It's like she totally approves of Bilbo's excuse. IMO it really adds to the punchline XD
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