Episode 723

I wanted the cloning pod to have links back to the pods on the One-Ringer, so I took the cheap and easy route and rebuilt the wall from the set.
I had a much better crowd shot, but I decided showing the Announcer-Frog was more important than playing the "where'd that mini-figure come from" game here in the blog. You'll see more of the crowd as the strip progresses.
(To save time: In today's cropped shot, from Left to Right: A Herring, Tom Servo, Squidman (Space Police 3), and Hondo and (just a bit of) Turk from 7753 (Clone Wars: Pirate Tank).)
u shud show us how to make tom servo in mini
So, what, is this the real Fox? Why else would Chris be showing this to us?
Oh yeah... he just waisted our time with a Star Wars 4 reference a few strips ago, as well as going over just how he came into possession of a platinum Darth Vader minifigure. I guess we couldn't trust him to get back on track, could we?
It's a clone of Fox, as stated several times in-strip, counting today with the "Clone Pod" line. The real Fox is in Plot-Device Drive at the moment...
...and, really, I've been "wasting your time" with this strip since the beginning. If you're looking for some sort of actual value-added comic, I suggest you start looking elsewhere.
It seems they're going some where!
I'm a big fan of LEGOSTAR. If people here haven't checked it out lately, I do recommend you take a look: http://www.legostargalactica.net/
legostar is good stuff.
im just a bit confused by it.
all the other lego comics (this one S-Team) that I read dont have muh in the way of plot arc finishing.
Hey don't listen to the haters Chris, this strip is good
Eh, not a worry. As I've said before, people are quick to gripe, slow to complement. At least they're reading, for whatever reason.
What I find interesting, though, is that people are complaining that the past week+ worth of strips haven't been furthering the main plot...when from this side of the screen they've been vital for setting up the next few months worth of story - and the closure of plot threads that have been hanging since the very first episodes.
when'll we get some fails?
Chris, it all makes sense to me, and I'm enjoying it! Then again, I'm not exactly a good judge, nor do I have a good track record, when it comes to writing plots that make sense and then actually completing them ;-)
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