Monday, July 20, 2009

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Please tell me I wasn't the only person to read today's comic and think "the hell....?"
You wern't though we may be following young whisky
@ Baz
You definetly weren't....I dunno whats going on....
wv:sly sell. Sly sale maybe? I dunno,this fits last-last episode....
Lil whiskey was abducted and sent to live with superintelligent frogs.
they raised him and most likely sent him back to earth simalar to superman, but without the planet exploding. there he started his search for the brick house met scotch and we all know the rest of his exploits.
Anyone else notice the fountain? Chris first mentioned it months ago, I've been looking for it since then.
Also I was completly bamboozled by this strip till I started to wonder whether this was young Whiskey...
by the way, nice set.
I hate to double post but I only just read what everyone else said, this would be a predestination paradox!! YAY!
i can say that the glow lightsaber fight is going to happen soon
Yes, this is the introduction of "teen Whiskey", the kid from earlier episodes, only a bit older.
This will become more clear in-strip over the course of the week.
Hooray for A New Hope references.
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