Friday, April 17, 2009

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She's crazy. CRAZY!
Nice use of the frankenstein monster head.
and wait a minute there was something else.... Aha!
Why Scotch, oh why oh the inhumanity! seriously, whats up with fox. shes a lot more murderous than usual.
Actually, that's a "Mandrake" head from the Harry Potter sets. Shockingly, I don't own a Frankenstein's monster fig.
well i got my wish
(coinsidently it was green)
No! Not Scotch! Oh, the humanity... wait, the froganity? Screw it, never mind.
But we like scotch!
I wondering whether this is a dream sequence or something now, I don't think even Chris would kill off one of his main characters (oh, wait, I forgot about Donut, even tho he regenereted, oh and Luka, shes been missing so long now im starting to think shes been KIA and even Whisky has been an ice lolly since Christmas) ooook scrap that, mabye Chris will kill off his main characters!
We've seen Luka recently - on board Bilbo's ship. (Last seen in the background of strip 637)
Yea, sorry about that, must not have been paying attention
This is madness!
(An yone who says this is Sparta will get a boot in their arse.)
It's simple. She shot him because he never said anything to change the plot severely. She also doesn't like the color green. I'm so taking apart my Fox minifigure because of this. (I have all of the main cast built!)
This is Sparta.
Who's next? Mary Sue? Donut(again)? Whiskey? Although I kind of doubt Whisky gonna die because of her, because it seems that he's her son.
What the...
Chris just had one of the frogs that were the start of this all shot to death O.o
Really, this guy will do anything to keep the plot (assuming there is any) from becoming any clearer.
Keep it up, Chris! ^^
Fox...Crazy... This isn't madness this... is... SPARTAA!
Wow. I just read the entire Brick house saga from episode 1 to 671.
Whyd she have to kill Scotch?? It was the coolest frog ever!
I figured it out. Fox hates the french!
Dont you understand? it wasnt scotch... He was kidnapped by one of the cola companys to make soda back in the VIP lounge, and sent this green-monster out to hopfully make the other's think Somethings actualy happening and FOX_GETS_IT.
That makes the most sense.
Good thinking, C-shorey. I agree.
I seriously hope that this is just like what happened to the other dude. Fox blows him up, and they find a frog inside him, (who is still alive) And it turns out Scotch was just living inside a troll suite the whole while in order to slow and otherwise muddle the plot. I hope so anyway, Scotch is a character much worth keeping around. Though I have to admit I like him way better as a frog.
Oh the violence!
whiskeys gonna go mad wen he finds out fox shot scotch wich i can c her shootin him 2
wi love scotch
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