Episode 667

The joke being that somehow Mary Sue thinks that killing minor characters is completely okay.
Today puts Brick House on a "Fridays and whenever I get a bit of extra time" schedule. That means there should always be a Friday episode, but you might get lucky and get an extra strip or two to break up the workweek as well.
That's ok, just ask bilbo for the backstory!
Is Darth Croissant really dead?
Maybe he's just mostly dead.
Is Miracle Max here? or maybe just Billy Crystal
I'm glad to see that we can once again hold out the hope of multiple Brick Houses over the course of a week.
I know all too well the perils of getting burned out and/or writing oneself into a corner on a project, and of course you have to enjoy what you're doing in order to keep a project from becoming nothing more than a tedious chore. But to be as subtle as an anvil falling on a coyote, Chris, the contests and the bootleg reviews and the massive LEGO builds are undeniably UBER-cool and definitely are inspiring (or at least entertaining), they're not what keep me coming back. It's Whiskey and Scotch... Donut and Luka... Fox and Wash... Pirate Ninjas and Ninja Pirates... giant robotic incarnations of Food Network hosts... Hannah Montana fronting Van Halen... and dueling Morpheuses (should that be Morphei?). Brick House reminds me of Ben Edlund's The Tick comic series; both starts off more or less as a parody but builds upon itself more and more until it becomes a universe unto itself with its own continuity.
Well that... and it's really funny...
Just my two cents' worth. :)
kind of a disapointment. i was hoping whiskey would come in at the last second and have a glow lightsaber fight and during that battle they would reveal darth c.'s backstory. then when the battles over they go get bilbo and bring him to the brick house and turn him into a good bit player. then mary beth and lil' whiskey will grow up to be zombie proffesionals
This is the best ending strip. I don't know why I thought it was so funny, but the fact that Fox actually killed Darth, and then threatened Mary Sue, oh my god, I have no idea why I thought it was so funny, but i sure did.
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