Friday, April 10, 2009

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Nothing Devilish for the 666th entry?
Cold blooded murder isn't Devilish enough for you? *boggle*
Where'd Darth C get shot?
How Anti-Climatic
All over. ;)
Next week's strips will reveal this is but "rising action" - we're nowhere near the climax yet.
Wait.... hes dead? thats it?
...And he's dead. This can mean one out of three things:
1. D.C. has regenerative abilities.
2. D.C. is only one small part of a way bigger entity (one of the Cola companies for example?)
3. We can expect the characters to leave things as they are and start a completely new plot any time now. It's The Brick House after all.
Personally I hope for option 2. I've been wondering for some time how the Cola companies would react if they'd see Scotch's new form.
I'm guessing Darth C is a Thyme Lord.
makes sence. food related name... possibly once made of butter... came back to life
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