Monday, January 12, 2009

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Those ten years went by a lot faster than I expected! I wonder how zombies age? I guess Wash will still be his usual zombie self.
I don't think zombies age at all geoffrey
They decompose tho? And Id hate to imagine the smell of a 10 year dead walking corpse...
wat happpened to the t2 on the buy-me-mizer shirts!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
What are you asking exactly? The t2 shirt is still there. (T1 was removed - it was a "freestyle" shirt with blue arms - not a torso LEGO produces, so I retired it.)
This proves that Fox is NOT Mother tango.
oops- i meant t1
Unless there is some wacko time paradox, and Whiskey has a sibling. :P
Keep up the awesome work Chris.
I am missing Whiskey.
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