I should have mentioned this back on Thursday, but it completely slipped my mind.
September 18th marked the two year mark on the Brick House comic strip.
I didn't make a big deal out of it for a few reasons. First, there was a big ol' hiatus in the middle there, so it hasn't been a solid two year run. (Although I've done enough "catch up" episodes to fill the gap) Second, well, like I said,I got busy and didn't even think about it.
You may be wondering about the fan art contest mentioned in the strip - well, I only received one entry, and it was of a bat-man universe character who's never appeared in the strip. So that was canceled quietly and without fanfare. (heh)
That didn't stop Ian from making a very nice Saturday-Special tribute, though.
Go check it out. Thank you, Ian. I like it muchly.
On Thursday I also received my first real critique of the strip - not the daily abuse I put up with/encourage here in the blog, but a well reasoned letter from a fan who didn't realize there was a blog. (I guess I need to tweak the site design a bit, eh?)
The fan took issue with the lack of direction things have had since strip 371 or so. He missed the more "plot driven" story arcs of the past, and the characters who (apparently) were left behind.
I think most of the disappointment sprang from the "episodic" approach I was trying out. When Whiskey "walked off the set" back in the day, I wanted to see what sort of strange adventures the characters would get into without the "man and frog on the run" plot to keep pushing them around. That lead to last year's advent madness, the return of the Brick House, the death of Donut I...all good things, I think, but more random plot lines than any overarching "story".
Well, as I move into year three I think we'll see more of a return to a plot-driven storyline. I have things marked out through early 2009, and all through that span the characters have firm goals and work towards them at a fairly steady pace. Sure, there are the usual distractions and throwaway jokes, but overall it's a much more coherent storyline.
And, yes, you'll see the return of many "abandoned" characters, in some very unexpected ways. There are new friends on the horizon as well. Good thing the Brick House is bigger on the inside - they're going to need a lot of guest rooms.
Anyway, thanks to all of you for reading so far. I hope I can enourage many of you to stick around to see how year three unfolds.
Labels: Behind the Scenes, Comics