Wednesday, November 26, 2008

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I'm the swanky host/author of In the immortal words of Tom Servo: "No one gets me, baby. I'm the wind."
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Ouch, standing up your best friend for someone else.
I've been through that. It hurts.
mom kinda looks weird.
Mom should have the female exo-force characters face of whiskeys face.
to jordan :but then she'd look like a rapidly aged fox
my word verification was rilasil. that sounds like some kinda medicine. O.o
I bet this is how Chris, are you writing from experience here? ;)
I kid you all not: my word verification today is "coment"
Reminds me a lot of the librarian here:
Great as walways. Too bad for Scotch!
Hehe, TK1420, mine was dathmalk.
Almost like Darth Malik.
Nice strip. [yea, that's what she said.]
Having sat through the past performances of the rest of Whiskey's gang, I have to say I'm not surprised Whiskey would call his mother to get the bail money.
She looks like a retired business executive, wonder what she did for a living?
Hopefully, she's more reliable than Scotch and Donut are.
Word verification: tracers
Word verification: cards. No Joke.
Word verfication: canist.
He's in dismal.
My word verification is dismal.
What's with all the word verification comment? On topic, please!
/.\ /.\
Wow. I just got back to read the comments, and word verification is crazy!
Whiskey's mom looks a lot like some one out of harry potter. I wonder if she's ever played quiditch.
My word verification was fushable. Sounds like flushable.
Word verification is paress. Sounds like Paris
Word verification: tomooki
Double bonus points for Google's word verification this time around. Uesugi Tomooki (1488-1537) was a lord of Edo Castle and enemy of the Hōjō clan, who seized the castle in 1524.
See the wikipedia link for more information.
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