Monday, October 13, 2008

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I guess they have a tail to tell. :D
I wonder how much more Castle Advent calendar dimension madness we can have before this strip goes somewhere that's not X-rated?
The more I read this the more I think, "geez Chris is weird"... Not necessarily a bad thing ;)
Jokes like this one would get you sent to the Pun Closet for at least five minutes in my house. LOL
I love that you have Poison Ivy as a stripper, and that you managed to put her in a "classic" pose in the third panel. LOL again.
GAH! It burnsss, IT BURNSSSS! Such terrible puns... *dies*
My dad needs one of those pun closets.
i don't get the puns.
Even I can't think of a comment to come back with after reading THOSE puns... O_o
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