Tuesday, September 16, 2008

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I'm the swanky host/author of ReasonablyClever.com. In the immortal words of Tom Servo: "No one gets me, baby. I'm the wind."
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Um, I'm with Ted on this one. :D
I'm not. I reckon there are a few more sane options they can try first.
BTW Ian, I think you're doing a great job with Chris and Tyrant. ;)
lol! weird though! kinda dumb
Uhm, I'm with Ian (who's with Ted) on this one...
...although I'm also with Geoffrey on the Chris/Tyrant thing. :)
I do have a sneaking suspicion though that there's going to be some kind of Shrek/Disneyland theme popping up in the not to distant future.
I'm with Uncle servo whoes with ian whoes with Ted on this one
I'm with giver who's with with uncle servo whos with ian who's with ted on this one.
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