Crap in a hat

Not going to be released in the US.
The fan community is trying to change this, but honestly, I don't see that happening.
Not getting the Wizard impulse set was bad enough. I was ready to buy six or seven of these.
Damn damn damn.
Labels: Advent Madness, LEGO, Someone else is to blame
Where is it going to be released?
We can thank the paranoid religious right in America for whining to LEGO causing this ... to whom I say: "Boo!"
I doubt any of the trans-atlantics of us could send it to you in time for a non-city advent thingy :S
Heh, it's already on S@H over here in the UK. Conveniently enough, I was think of doing the Advent again (I did last year's) in my occasional webcomic, and this'll be a nice break from City. Maybe I'll just go order it now...
Awww, and I was looking to another Advent Battle this year ;-;
Myself, I prefer City anyways and will be getting one of those, but I do feel your pain: we Canadians didn't get that tower crane set.
we brits don't seem to get some of the good stuff you americans get, e.g. the second eries of xpods (ebay) and stuff. the same seems to go for the steam store.
also, why did my earlier comment get deleted?
What earlier comment? I haven't had to delete anything in a week or more...
I could buy two, and mail you one.
If that's legal.
It really sucks to see it available everywhere *but* the US. Australia can get it for $39.99 AUD a set.
If anyone did want copies of it, I could order some if you want to pay in advance, but it would be quite likely that S@H would reverse their decision if enough of the US customers complain loudly enough.
I've already bought mine :) I live in Finland, here they have them even in our food market :D
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