Monday, August 11, 2008

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I've seen better plans come from monkeys. Surely one of their group has something actually worthwhile?
Although, we do get to have a bit of backstory on Scotch. :)
I think Zombie Wash put it best: "logic" is never the right answer.
Me, I'd just get Donut to serve the machine army some of his reality-warping chili and turn 'em all back into Atari 2600 consoles... but that might use up all the uber-peppers and send the BH folks on yet more misadventures.
Uh, it's toads that are rumored to give you warts, NOT frogs. Frogs are smooth and slimy. Toads are rough and bumpy.
Whoops. Yeah, that's the myth. Dialog has been adjusted.
The King? So THAT's who URK is!
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