Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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I'm the swanky host/author of ReasonablyClever.com. In the immortal words of Tom Servo: "No one gets me, baby. I'm the wind."
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I gotta say this comic is worth the wait. Mainly because it's the first rock band* reference. Keep up the good work.
*Not the video game.
42?? The number used in the movie "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" - well, there's a reference I can understand. :)
Unfortunately, the band I have no understanding of! :( But as long as your blog has enough explanatory narrative I should be able to get along reasonably well. ;)
As for the late update, what happened? RL always gets in the way around here, you're only human, like all of us. :)
Oh, and by the way don't forget to take the opportunity to throw hints out as to what's on the levels between Level 42 and the Brick House TARDIS control room. ;) We haven't seen much of the inside of something that's transcendental, and it's about time we had a sneak peek of what's onboard. :)
Gee thanks, Chris. Now that song is going to play through my head all freakin' day... I'll never be able to listen to that song with a straight face again.
No need to apologize for the delayed update. It's not so wrong -- we're only human after all. ;)
You mean the book.
The movie.
No, the book. The movie is irrelevant.
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