Wednesday, July 23, 2008

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"Duder"?? Even FireFox's spell checker is flagging it as a misspelling.
Apart from that this guy still hasn't introduced himself.
"Duder" is a Keanu-ism. I used it deliberately.
Also, Neo introduced himself when Whiskey picked up the phone.
will the hair on the guy w/ the sliver guns be on the mini mizer any time soon?
Dude... if Neo thinks that a talking frog is cool, I can't wait to see what he thinks (if you can call anything that goes on in his head "thinking") when he finally sees Morpheus.
Probably not for a while - the aftermarket price on it is still too high for me to stock it. I have it on my watch lists, though, should that change.
Kinko (again):
Unless you mean the M3 that case, maybe in the next week or two. I really need to do an update to that one.
It'd be tough to explain the cat-thing to a "normal" person, forget the problems Neo would have...
tk1420: You forgot your air-guitar noises!
Unless, of course, you weren't thinking of Bill & Ted. In which case, forget I opened my mouth. :)
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