Episode 479

We all knew Whiskey's lack of pop-culture references would cause him trouble someday.
Neo's shiny silver guns are nifty promo items sent to me by Brickarms. They also sent me a prototype of their new "baseball bat" accessory. Can't wait until I can work that one in somehow...
I'm trying to figure out how Chris can have one of Whiskey's friends jam something into that minifig mouth of his so he'll shut the hell up! :D
I don't know if Whiskey will want to see the Matrix after this chapter's finished!
im sure whiskeys pants are currently an aquariam from that last scene
You know, come to think of it I haven't seen the Matrix movies either... I'm keeping a closer eye on my phone from now on.
i have a question anyone can answer
does anyone have that nxt robotics set (or any other set with those robotics) and if so l want to know if it is worth the price to bring your creations to life
I've seen The Matrix so I should know that Neo's powers can be counterbalanced by Keanu Reeves' bad acting.
(sorry, couldn't resist)
Anonymous: It depends on whether you want to get some programming knowledge under your belt and are prepared to learn the ways of studless beam constructions.
If the answer to the above is yes, then certainly, NXT is the way to go. I would, however, recommend that you have or obtain at least a basic level of programming knowledge, and subscribing to NXT-oriented groups and websites, as they'll be of much more use to you than a blog entry in a webcomic which will get random replies.
ive seen the Matrix movies but never actually much payed attention
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