Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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YESSS!!!!!!! The moment we've all been waiting for !!!!! (The only down side is you actually burned Lego but at least it was Pat)
I'm just hoping it's also not another clue for the next contest.
I'm normally against burning lego, but this was worth it! I think I heard Pat screaming a bit somewhere in there.
I also heard trains... got those going by my house too. (actually going in the general direction Michigan- same train?)
Pat is quite resilient, though- maybe Patakin will come back as Darth Butter.....?
... and oh yeah: stuff it, Geoffrey. That was totally a weather dependant shot and worth the wait!
That was awesome
LOL@ TK1420
Chris, does your wife know what you're doing to her patio furniture when she's not home? ;)
As good as the effect was, I'm not too happy. I mean, you killed a LEGO Man! That's like setting fire to a sack of kittens!
i agree with aaaah! here.
I hate burning LEGO, but this was cool and I like the idea of Pat burning. MWAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Still, though, you burned LEGO. But, hey, can you at least spread his ashes into the wind or bury him when you're done? Even if he is Pat, he's still a LEGO minifig and that's what counts.
I agree too.
Poor Pat!
I hope he does not die!
Nope, not a clue.
That's a pretty good idea, actually. Doesn't fit in with what I have plotted, but you never know when an alternate-universe Patakin will show up...
That's our front porch and the heat-resistant plate from an old microwave. And Jen did know - but she was at work and missed the live show.
I sacrificed two figures - I had to test the effect before melting Pat. Last time I do this particular stunt, though. Burning LEGO smells AWFUL.
The Rest:
Don't worry - Pat may be Burnt, but he still has a major role to play in the story.
giver, you are evil. and i agree that some things are woth waiting for (E.G. quake wars: enemy territory to arrive, battlefield heroes to come out) but this IS NOT one of them.
I love the smell of burning plastic in the morning.
you burnt a lego minifig!(dun dun duunn!)how could you...oh wait its pat this makes me angryer you should of blew him up instead
ps may the crash oh sorry burn test pat r.i.p ps again i hope pat burns even more in hell mwhahaha
Those poor Lego bricks, it wasn't their fault that they were part of Pat ;)
Serious: BURY PAT
I've never burned a Lego figure. I always figured that it would smell awful, and you'd just be left with a glop of hot plastic when you're done. I'm glad someone confirmed that for me. :P
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