Pumping Iron: Grid Updated

If you'd like the bragging rights of winning a prize in a Reasonably Clever building challenge, this looks like a good contest to enter - lots of prizes and not that many builders to compete against. (Although there are some really nice models in the running already...)
Why do so few of you share my love of Iron Man? *sigh*
Remember, entries must be in my mailbox before 2:22 AM (Eastern Standard Time) on May 3, 2008.
ETA: Sigh - Blogger not updating again. Note to self: Research MoveableType this weekend.
Labels: Contests, LEGO, Pumping Iron
Dude, it's not that I don't like Iron Man (although to be honest I'm a born and bred DC guy), it's just that (a) I haven't had time to build the thing I want to for this contest and (b) I don't know if I have the parts and (c) I wouldn't want it to come in until right at the wire anyway. ;)
Yeah, I know. I guess I was just spoiled by the bajillion entries into the Steampunk contest...
There's sure to be a last minute rush of entries like there always is. I'm just feeling impatient...
I'm having trouble with coming up with a good idea. I was thinking of just fiddling around tonight to see what I came up with though.
BTW - Research Wordpress while you're at it. I like it better than MT.
You're right - Wordpress does look much better. Thank you for the tip.
No problem!
I've been using Wordpress on my since I moved off of Blogger ~4 or 5 years ago and I haven't looked back. The nice thing is that you can either host your own version (downloaded from wordpress.org) or you can get hosted on wordpress.com and both have a lot of the same flexibility and functionality.
And then coincidentally, I saw this article this morning: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001105.html
I've never run into that problem, but then again basically no one reads my blog and I've been running it on a LAMP server since ~1 year into switching to WordPress. Dunno if you're a MS or *NIX guy, but it's something to take into consideration
Mine's in there, it's a bit small scene, but it has the correct Tony Stark head! Good luck picking out of the...18? (I'm 17 I think) I'd be honored if I win any ('Course, I already have the first three, but I could use extra pieces) It is strange how no one's gone for that "steampunk" look for the armor yet though
This entry: http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/50519
uses my decals (http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=2139658)
Dig the dates here:
for proof.
Thanks for listening.
Shadow Viking: Followed the links and you're obviously in the right here. I've disqualified the fraudulent entry.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
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