This is another strip that assumes you have some Dr. Who knowledge. If you don't get today's punchline, and would like to, check out this wiki article.
I hope this "Doctor Who" stuff doesn't go on all week. Is 'encasings' another one of those Doctor Who terms? Well, at least I get the 'Ex-foli-ate' part.
Jake: I think the Dr. Who references are pretty much all revealed at this point. (Well, there is one more - the Daleks in Dr. Who have giant armor that surrounds the tiny alien inside. I expect Whiskey's Hair to develop something like that eventually.)
"Encasings" is just the hair trying to sound all educated. Sounded better than "flesh sacks"
I wonder if the hair's trying to recommend to Donut and Whiskey a good dead skin removal product?
Encasings sounds good, but when you look it up in the dictionary it is so wrong - for starters encasings isn't technically a legal plural for that word, it doesn't come back as one from - and then there's the whole terminology thing.
I think it's time on Whiskey's head damaged it more than Doyle realizes!
The hair's lines in the strip need to be redone totally. I get the Dr Who reference though, but the rest of the hair's dialogue is so badly mangled, it's like reading stuff only a child would write.
I hope this "Doctor Who" stuff doesn't go on all week. Is 'encasings' another one of those Doctor Who terms? Well, at least I get the 'Ex-foli-ate' part.
That is so wrong on so many levels. LMAO!
When does it start shooting lasers? :D
Jake: I think the Dr. Who references are pretty much all revealed at this point. (Well, there is one more - the Daleks in Dr. Who have giant armor that surrounds the tiny alien inside. I expect Whiskey's Hair to develop something like that eventually.)
"Encasings" is just the hair trying to sound all educated. Sounded better than "flesh sacks"
I wonder if the hair's trying to recommend to Donut and Whiskey a good dead skin removal product?
Encasings sounds good, but when you look it up in the dictionary it is so wrong - for starters encasings isn't technically a legal plural for that word, it doesn't come back as one from - and then there's the whole terminology thing.
I think it's time on Whiskey's head damaged it more than Doyle realizes!
The hair's lines in the strip need to be redone totally. I get the Dr Who reference though, but the rest of the hair's dialogue is so badly mangled, it's like reading stuff only a child would write.
Relax a bit; you're taking this waaaaaay too seriously. It's just a talking hairball. Not a MENSA candidate.
This post has been removed by the author.
So, yeah,any time you want to make a comic that isn't a reference, I'm still here. :P
Sorry about the deleted one, messed up the italics tags.
Lol, I thought it was cyberman-like and cut their brains out and stuff.
Can'twait 'till tomorrow!
NOW I get it.
Huh. In the first and third panels, you can see the skin colour on Whiskey's body.
You, you, you... You talking hairball!
semibrick predicts that donut will hide in the lab,leaving whiskey for dead.then whiskey follows,grabbing the saw and slicing up the hair.
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