Thursday, February 7, 2008

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Ok,now whiskey and slick are saved.Now you should do something
about TIME TRAVEL,or at least going into the future and flying
cars are roaming the city,and
space elevators are made,robots,
living on mars or the moon,holographic people,and much
more.I really love the idea of the
I believe the next story arc will both satisfy and completely frustrate you.
hey, what happened to whisky's leg in slide 2, its all mangled
Presuming it's the reflection off the shiny lego.
Dear Dark Whiskey:
Saber_lion is right - you're seeing the reflection off of the side of the baseplate - only one of his legs is visible in the shot.
oooooh! lemme guess they go back to the brick house....except the time on the plane was longer than they thought! but the only invention made was an automated toilet!
been bored alot lately
They already have automated toilets. The ones with the little sensor things that go off when you stand up.
You can find them at WalMart or something, I dunno.
for nick:Like you have better ideas.
Whiskey, Scotch, Mary, and Fox if she still follows go back to the zombie stuff.
I like it.
I think Chris wants to leave that story alone.
In other news, I got Fox's head in a Exo-force set the other day!
Well, actually, his black leg is partially visible in the shot. What makes it seem like it's mangled though is that there's also reflection off of the baseplate that's hiding most of it.
I'm wondering if Whiskey's friends will really cart him off to jail. There were so many humorous shots Doyle could've taken advantage of. ;-)
I'm not sure I like Whiskey's new hairstyle, having had some time to adjust to it, I think it doesn't suit him as well as the one he originally started with.
That's not even an idea...IT'S A POEM!!!
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