Friday, January 18, 2008

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I'm the swanky host/author of In the immortal words of Tom Servo: "No one gets me, baby. I'm the wind."
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- Episode 342
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Wow, Chris! That's awesome! Only part I don't really like is how it seems... flat.
It's a bit rounder looking in person - the cargo deck is two+ bricks below the level of the wedge decking, but that's hard to show in the photos. :-\
Plus the idea is to have the cargo create the top "dome" - I'm going to try for some photos of that soon.
Holy Crap, Chris! That is freaking AWESOME!
I fear the entry that tops that, you really went all-out. Well-played, sir... well-played indeed.
Where'd the head from that astromech come from?
When I saw the pilot on the ship deck, I immediately thought of Whiskey. Here's a choice comment he would've made if it were him:
Awesome, Chris. Where do you find all those brown bricks? Every time I look at pick-a-brick, they have obnoxious pink arches or something equally ridiculous.
Wow... I wish I could build something like that. Thing is, mine tend to look.. well.. Discolored and crappy.
Good Job!
Holy steam pumps Batman!
That's so cool!
I can't believe you managed to get so much detail into it
nice, it's a brillient modle i wish lego would realise a steampunk line, i make some of my own custom stuff but it's mostly biuldings, basic cars and over armed tanks/turrets. What's the secret to making brillien modle's like your's and ian's?
Okay, I've built something for the contest, but it's taking forever to get my porfile acrtivated! Did you have this problem?
If you've signed up for an account and received the activation email you might be good to go. I never got an email from the admins saying my account was active...I just tried logging in the next day and was able to...
Chris, it really sucks that the Falcon didn't make the shortlist. (Keeping my AT-ST company in the runner-up thread, heh.) I liked the working mechanism on it, and the open-plan (-ish) design of the whole thing. Mind you, I reckon there's a fair bit of Steampunk to be wrung out of you yet! Will you be trying your hand at anything in a similar vein to your new contest?
Oh, and one other little question: Where did you find the font you used for the annotations? I wanna steal it and use it for all my Steampunk MOCs! ;)
The Jinja Ninja..
Holy Fickin' Crap. THAT IS AESOME, Chris. Do you think you could try and put instuctions fo i? Not to be a plaijeuist, but i'd like to have ME one-a dem. also, i've seen you photos of you oom, and i believe that i have foun m pupose in life. that's ight MY PUPOSE. I eally am THAT doky an feakih i appeciate what you've done hee, and would love to be capableof it myself, but i have a VERY limited collectio
Holy Fickin' Crap. THAT IS AESOME, Chris. Do you think you could try and put instuctions fo i? Not to be a plaijeuist, but i'd like to have ME one-a dem. also, i've seen you photos of you oom, and i believe that i have foun m pupose in life. that's ight MY PUPOSE. I eally am THAT doky an feakih i appeciate what you've done hee, and would love to be capableof it myself, but i have a VERY limited collectio
sory about my previous comment, but your font on the TYPE part suck. still, Reppazent, yo!
Tremendous! Spectacular!
Wow that is awesome! Check out my walle, I know it's not good, but i would like your opinion-
I like how you used the wookie cheif for that steampunk-ish look
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