Friday, January 18, 2008

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Bah, they'll go and take recent pictures of your house, but they haven't taken any pictures of my neighborhood for over 5 years? All it;s been when you search my house for like, the past 4 years is just open grassy area.
Except street view, you can see it then. :)
Chris, we are brothers from another mother or something. The legos, the workshop, the whole fan-of-Heinlein thing, and now this: searching for and saving a pic of your house and car from space via google maps.
The house at center is where I live now. My blue Saturn VUE is quite visible parked beside.
What's funny is, according to Google my car is in two places at once; at my current house and at my place of employment from at least three years ago!
If you could zoom in a bit(or lot) more here:,72.855009&sspn=0.005863,0.007027&ie=UTF8&ll=19.056748,72.847681&spn=0.002931,0.003514&t=h&z=18&om=0
It would be possible to see my 40something year old VW, since it's used, like twice a week.
You know when the picture is taken that lose to see a car it's taken from a plane, not a satellite.
It's something like you can just about see a 2.5m by 2.5m square from a satellite, they tested this on a TV show a while ago and the satellite saw the image of a space invader.
how did you get that?
They had 5+ year old photos of our street the last time I checked. Still no street view for our area; the closest is still five or six miles away on a "main drag."
I'm going to have to check my work - bilocation would be pretty keen.
Hadn't done any reading so the plane thing was new to me. Have to check that out further.
I just plugged my address into google maps and zoomed in all the way.
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